Rachel Frederick

Rachel Frederick

Rachel has worked with ETC since 2007. She takes advantage of the limited warm months in Wisconsin by participating in outdoor activities like camping, paddle boarding, kayaking, and riding waterslides. She has several gardens that she swears she’ll be able to keep up with someday. And she enjoys stretchy things like new socks, yoga, and taffy. She writes a lot, she reads a lot and she plays with her kids a lot.


Behind the scenes at CUE 2022

With just over 2100 people registered in 80 countries around the world, Virtual CUE 2022 was definitely our largest event to date! As you might expect with an event that spans most of the time zones, and many of our ETC corporate offices, it took a small army to pull it all together.

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CUE education conference is filling fast!

In less than one day, 400 people from 40 countries around the world had already registered for CUE 2022! This 24-hour event is slotted for February 17th, begins in Asia, and makes its way around the world, wrapping up in North America. Come join students, educators, designers, technicians, and...

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