I owe you an apology if you saw the title of this post and clicked on it assuming I was going to reveal a well-guarded secret and give you the instructions on how to make your own Source Four LED. I hate to crush your dreams, but I’m not going to reveal any trade secrets here. However, if you’ve...
Lighting fixtures (2)
It was July 1988. I had completed a design gig at a Shakespeare festival and returned to New Orleans to look for a month’s worth of work before starting year two of grad school at Tulane University.
When I was a kid, the hottest toy (no pun intended) was an Easy-Bake Oven. I begged my parents incessantly for one. They finally gave in – probably because they got sick of hearing me talk about it – and got me one for my birthday.I couldn’t wait to whip up some culinary masterpieces.
This article, written by ETC Entertainment Market Manager Luke Delwiche, first appeared in the Swedish Theatre Technology Association (STTF) magazine, proScen, in 2015. Luke wrote the article after talking to dozens of people who made purchasing decisions based on “white wall shootouts,” which...
Feast your eyes on these awesome photos from the latest Festifeel event held at London’s House of Vans!
The artist Gila Abutalebi is recognised for her Transparente Lyrik (transparent poetry) creations – revolutionary works of multi-dimensional art dedicated to letters of the alphabet. Gila had long searched for the perfect lighting to illuminate her unique designs, but it wasn’t until she met with...
Here at ETC, we spend years developing products, in order to give you the most cutting-edge tools. We experience breakthrough after breakthrough as new technology is developed, and we celebrate the ways it will advance our industry.