ETC has improved century-old rigging technology through innovative engineering to encourage safer backstage environments. We found a way to make rigging safer and easier for staff to use and teach. Meet Prodigy Balance.
In the new ORF Center on Küniglberg, Vienna, the most modern technology was used to illuminate the multimedia Newsroom and ETC’s Austrian partner, Preworks was brought on board as an experienced consultant in the lighting industry. A large number of ETC fos/4 Fresnel spotlights were installed in...
Lighting Designer David Sexton employed High End Systems Ministar fixtures for Broadway Workshop productions of Head Over Heels and Beauty and The Beast, held in New York City’s Baruch Performing Arts Center. Funded through Project Broadway, Broadway Workshop produces full scale Main Stage youth...
Looking back over the past 50 years, ETC is proud to have made such an impact on the industries we serve. As we’ve grown, we’ve continued to be inspired by those who bring the arts to their communities. Whether you are lighting theatres, bridges, or aquariums… whether you’re working weekdays or...
The Austin Independent School District Performing Arts Center (AISD PAC) is on track to host 193 events this school year, catering to AISD’s 73,000+ students and the wider Austin community. As it approaches its 10th anniversary in January, the PAC remains highly active, typically booked six days a...
As we look back at 2024, it’s fun to see which of the et cetera articles you were most excited about. And this year, the numbers were clear!
This summer, the National Ballet of Maresille literally set the Vieux-Port harbor on fire, transforming the space into a dance stage for the occasion. In this "concert" configuration—and in front of an audience of 23,000 people—Éric Wurtz's lighting design was controlled by ETC’s Eos Apex console,...
Since its premiere in 2000, the international medical education congress has established itself as Europe’s most important platform for the exchange of scientific and clinical information. Held annually in different European cities, this year’s prestigious and demanding educational program took...
We recently announced that we're saying goodbye to Source Four PAR and PARNel, Source Four jr, and Source Four Fresnels. As we sunset these iconic incandescent fixtures, we thought it would be fun to go way back to the beginning where it all started. Here is a look at some of the first print ads...