Henrick Ibsen’s audacious classic An Enemy of the People was given new life on Broadway in 2024 with a fresh adaptation written by Amy Herzog, directed for the stage by Sam Gold. Earning five Tony nominations, the production starred television greats Jeremy Strong and Michael Imperioli as two...
The newly launched Grandeur is the sixth luxury ship to come from Regent Seven Seas Cruises. With 10 decks that can host up to 744 guests, the cruise ship promises a deluxe vacation experience with beautiful design throughout. In the search for best-in-class, the ship landed on many ETC solutions...
This four-part blog series will give some introductory insight into creating a template show file to use while programming on an Eos family console. The Eos line of consoles and, thus, the software has been around since 2007. The family has grown and evolved over the years and has become a robust...
This four-part blog series will give some introductory insight into creating a template show file to use while programming on an Eos family console. The Eos line of consoles and, thus, the software has been around since 2007. The family has grown and evolved over the years and has become a robust...
After celebrating Johnnie Walker’s 200th anniversary in 2020, the brand kicked off a new century of whisky making with the flagship Johnnie Walker Princes Street visitor experience in Edinburgh. Spanning 8 floors in one of Edinburgh’s historic buildings, Johnnie Walker Princes Street offers...
Just after ETC's big fixture launch event, the team packed up our gear and headed off to LDI! It was an action-packed weekend in the ETC booth, with demos of all our latest products, including Halcyon, ColorSource V, and the legendary Eos Apex. If you missed the show, here's a quick recap of events.
The Tony Awards are happening this coming weekend and as an industry built on live theatre, we thought it would be a missed opportunity to go without mentioning the history of this award, all the amazing talent that is recognized year after year, and how ETC is proud to play a role in many of these...
The end of the year always calls for reflection. Before we bid 2021 adieu, we’re having one last curtain call of some of our greatest hits of the year. Check out the full list below for some of the fun stats and fan favorites you may have missed over the past year.
Emanuele Agliati and Oscar Frosio are two lighting professionals from Italy with an abundance of experience, especially in the world of musicals. Emanuele is an esteemed lighting designer and co-founder of k5600 Design – an associate studio of lighting designers focusing on visual lighting design...