Henrick Ibsen’s audacious classic An Enemy of the People was given new life on Broadway in 2024 with a fresh adaptation written by Amy Herzog, directed for the stage by Sam Gold. Earning five Tony nominations, the production starred television greats Jeremy Strong and Michael Imperioli as two...
A true gem lies at the heart of Cary, North Carolina. The recently completed Downtown Cary Park spans seven acres of stunningly designed public space. Green space, water features, and recreational facilities fold together to create a gathering place for residents in all stages of life, all...
Every venue in need of new lighting comes with a unique set of challenges and opportunities. This is especially true for churches, spaces that require special attention to accessibility, consistency, and visual simplicity. ETC sat down with Chris Rynne, OCS Lighting + Control’s Director of...
Riverside Theatre’s lighting supervisor, Will Gibbons-Brown, recently found himself in the middle of every lighting designer’s most commonly recurring nightmare: he had 48 hours to light a musical from scratch. With only two days until previews for the first show of the season, the production...
The tightrope act of outfitting a high school performance space with new lights is not a task for the weak of heart. Theatre educators in need of new lighting equipment must jump through countless hoops to secure funds, and when they do, the pressure is on to make it count. “You have to make sure...