Henrick Ibsen’s audacious classic An Enemy of the People was given new life on Broadway in 2024 with a fresh adaptation written by Amy Herzog, directed for the stage by Sam Gold. Earning five Tony nominations, the production starred television greats Jeremy Strong and Michael Imperioli as two...
Anne Valentino retired from ETC in October of 2020. Before she left, however, Steve Terry (ETC Director of Standards and Industry Relations) and Dennis Varian (ETC Vice President of Research and Development) sat down with her in a virtual interview to capture the stories and memories of her time...
For anyone who has ever worked in live theatre, you understand the massive amount of time, energy, and materials required to put up a single show. The costumes, lighting, scenery, marketing materials, and travel considerations for audience after audience each night add up quickly and have a...
Ready for some hindsight in 2020? We couldn’t let the new year start without cracking that joke or looking back at our “best of” content from 2019. In the last year, we had a lot to discuss, from lighting tips to ETC culture. Check out our most-read blog posts from the last year to make sure...
In this guest blog post, LDI Student Sponsorship recipient, Mari-Riin Paavo shares her experience in the United States learning from some of the industry’s brightest luminaries.