Most popular blog posts of 2024

As we look back at 2024, it’s fun to see which of the et cetera articles you were most excited about. And this year, the numbers were clear!

One of the top blog articles of the year was part of a series created from the Stage Lighting Design posters you can download from our Education Center. Check out the full Stage Lighting Design series here starting with Part 1!

After Stage Lighting Design, you were stoked to go back in time and read about the first consoles at ETC. If you missed this one, it’s full of videos and interviews with the founders of ETC. This is recommended as a definite “must watch” by our ETC staff!

Founding ETC Consoles

Consoles of the past weren’t the only products to get an extra shout-out this year. You waved with us as we said goodbye to several incandescent fixtures that were originally launched in the 90s and early 2000s.

A Look Back at the First ETC Incandescent Fixtures

Moving on from ETC history, you were struck by a couple of our most popular installations of the year. Here are the two fan favorites:

That was just 2024!

If we look at the list of ETC's most-read blog posts of all time, the front runners keep hanging on, starting with this post from 2020.

A Casual History of Moving Lights from 2020


Lighting Design for Theatre in the Round from 2021


Followspot Control on an Eos Console from 2023


Chocolaty Experiment from 2017



And, a post that has made the top-five list since the day it was published,  

Theatre tattoos from around the industry 2022

theatre tattoos

Thank you to everyone who continues to read et cetera... We hope you had a memorable 2024 and wish you a prosperous 2025!

ETC and Isabella Byrd Sculpt Shadows for "Enemy of the People"

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Rachel Frederick
Rachel has worked with ETC since 2007. She takes advantage of the limited warm months in Wisconsin by participating in outdoor activities like camping, paddle boarding, kayaking, and riding waterslides. She has several gardens that she swears she’ll be able to keep up with someday. And she enjoys stretchy things like new socks, yoga, and taffy. She writes a lot, she reads a lot and she plays with her kids a lot.