Celebrating 50 Years of ETC

Looking back over the past 50 years, ETC is proud to have made such an impact on the industries we serve. As we’ve grown, we’ve continued to be inspired by those who bring the arts to their communities. Whether you are lighting theatres, bridges, or aquariums… whether you’re working weekdays or weekends… whether you design, program, install, or teach… we do what we do for you.

ETC promises that over the next 50 years, we will continue to embrace innovation, provide industry-leading service, stay at the forefront of technology, and bring you products that make your work not only more fun but also more efficient. Thank you for your support over our first 50 – we can’t wait to see what you create over the next 50!

Check our website throughout the year for information on events happening around the globe. 



Meet the New Face of ETC Ltd: Our Next Chapter for Future Growth

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A Symphony of Innovation and History at Alte Oper

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Rachel Frederick
Rachel has worked with ETC since 2007. She takes advantage of the limited warm months in Wisconsin by participating in outdoor activities like camping, paddle boarding, kayaking, and riding waterslides. She has several gardens that she swears she’ll be able to keep up with someday. And she enjoys stretchy things like new socks, yoga, and taffy. She writes a lot, she reads a lot and she plays with her kids a lot.