et cetera... a blog of bright ideas from ETC

2019 in review: ETC’s top 10 blog posts – et cetera...

Written by Quinn Wirth | Jan 2, 2020 6:00:00 AM

Ready for some hindsight in 2020? We couldn’t let the new year start without cracking that joke or looking back at our “best of” content from 2019. In the last year, we had a lot to discuss, from lighting tips to ETC culture. Check out our most-read blog posts from the last year to make sure you’re up to speed!

1. Feel the power at ETC

Learn about ETC’s power test rig and how it’s been helping validate the safety of the power panels in your electrical rooms for decades.

2. Exploring the Network: OSC Connections

 This post explores connecting two devices together and communicating via OSC with field service engineer and programmer Sam Smallman.

3. Eos cheat sheet

Use this as an easy reference point for Eos software tips you may not be familiar with yet.

4. Warm thank you from all of us

VP of Marketing David Lincecum reflects on Fred Foster’s impact on ETC culture and how we move forward as a company.

5. Happy birthday from ETC!

ETC helps you celebrate your techy friends’ birthdays with four printable cards!

6. Broadway runs on Eos

This post features a running list of the Broadway shows using Eos to create lighting magic on their stages.

7. Why can’t I use a 125/250V pin connector to feed a 208V luminaire in North America?

Electrical safety expert Steve Terry comes back to the blog to answer this frequently asked question.

8. From the Museum: The first “official” ETC console

We continue our tour through ETC’s repository of historical gear with another entry from the company’s early days: the 1982 Entertainment Lighting Control System (ELC).

9. LED FAQs (Part 1): What is LED binning?

What is LED binning and why is it so important? Training Specialist Tom Littrell has answers in this post.

10. LED FAQs (Part 3): Chromaticity Diagrams

Color Technology Specialist Wendy Luedtke runs through chromaticity diagrams and what they mean in the world of LED fixtures.

What other topics would you like to see covered in ETC’s blog? Send your ideas to us at