et cetera... a blog of bright ideas from ETC

A liter of light - et cetera...

Written by Allison Suchon | Jan 3, 2017 6:00:00 AM

Here at ETC, we spend years developing products, in order to give you the most cutting-edge tools. We experience breakthrough after breakthrough as new technology is developed, and we celebrate the ways it will advance our industry.

We know that you will use the new technology in your art, to evoke strong emotions in your audiences. That new LED luminaire that emulates just the right shade of moonlight can make your audience’s hearts flutter during a romantic scene. That new console can excite a crowd when it triggers the first mind-blowing cue during a concert. And that new dimmer can make your audience gasp in horror when it delivers a full blackout at just the right moment during a scary scene.

But what if you could elicit the strongest emotions without all the high-tech gadgets? What if simple, everyday items could produce life-changing light?

That’s exactly what the Liter of Light project does. With just a plastic bottle, some bleach, and little sealant, they can quite literally light up the lives of people who have limited access to electricity.



The Liter of Light project reminds me of the power of light. A low-tech light source in the darkness can spark the truest human emotions: elation, joy, and even tears of happiness